Predor Time & Attendance Module

Main features:

  • The system can register external work, wage supplements, overtime, individual accounting period, flexible worktime, special break rules can be set etc.
  • The attendance sheets automatically generated for each employee and can be sent by email.
  • Your employees can control their own worktime data, or apply for holiday even on their cell phone. The managers can allow or reject holiday requests or create shift schedules.
  • In case of multi-shift work schedule the system automatically finds out the proper shift for the employee, and calculates the working hours.
  • Any system reader can be used as a worktime terminal
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Predor Brochure
(417 KB, PDF)
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Do your employees usually break the work-time rules? Controlling the attendance data may be time-consuming. Would you like to increase the efficiency of your company?

Just one click and the system calculates worktime statistics including violations, overtime, balance or any other activity. Important information for managers and employers is displayed on a graphical interface. The system saves you time by automatically generating the attendance sheets, and even sends it by email.

Some examples of our innovative functionality

Graphical management reports

Graphical reports help for managers and employers to look over the worktime violations in a few seconds.

Attendance sheet

The attendance sheets automatically generated for each employee and can be sent by email.

Automated shift schedule

In case of multi-shift work schedule the system automatically finds out the proper shift for the employee, and calculates the working hours.

Web interface

The employees are able to register remote (off-site) work or can apply for holiday even on their cell phone. The managers can approve or reject holiday requests or create shift schedules.

Predor Time & Attendance Terminal

Predor Time & Attendance Terminal

Main features:

  • 99 custom work codes
  • Touchscreen display
  • Available with encrypted built-in reader as well
  • Temporary stand-alone operation
  • Customizable graphical interface
  • Easy to use

Predor Portable Biometric Terminal

Main features:

  • Portable design
  • Touchscreen display
  • RFID card reader
  • Suprema Fingerprint Sensor
  • Wi-Fi support
  • Stand-alone operation
  • 99 custom work codes
  • Register T&A data anywhere

The attendance is not equal to working hours...

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